Registrations disabled because of SPAM

Starting today the registrations for this server have been disabled.

07-07-2024 - 0 minutes, 39 seconds

The growing number of SPAM accounts created on can't be tolerated and probably already have annoyed a lot of XMPP users.

Registration is disabled since 7th of July 2024 due to growing number of spam accounts.

The statistics on show that this server now is responsible for 2% of all spam reports.


Within the last few days a more spam reports have reached me, I have checked and deleted some accounts. Spammers would continue to create more accounts if I would not have disabled the web based registration. The In-Band registration already is disabled for many years.

My plan is to switch to an invitation based registration - until it's done you can send me an E-Mail if you would like to have an account here.

Thank you all!
